Stepping out of the box of typical team color cleats, "Drip" debuted with a splash of new color for the first stop of The Under Armour All-America Camp Series. Visually its' overflowing paint aesthetic compares to the overflow of talent, skill, attitude, and style that the top athletes in the country have. The best of which get the golden ticket to Under Armour's All-American Game in Orlando, Florida at the end of the year.

After pouring my acrylic paint and silicone oil mix on to multiple canvases I let them dry, and scanned them into my computer. To achieve the colors that the shoe needed to be I used Photoshops' gradient map. After that I cut out the best parts of each canvas, and created composites that formed the Aqua Float, Pink Surge, and White gradient to be used on the shell patterns, and plates.